Building a website with C++ (CppCMS). Part 1.
Written by Drus_K
Dear %username% , I would like to share with you my first-hand experience in creating a Website on CppCMS (library-template engine on C++). It can also be named as “help for beginners on CppCMS”. Why Would You Write a Website with C++ There are different pros and cons...
Benchmarks: 14 Sorting Algorithms and PHP Arrays
Written by ahwoobachairiesaas
In this article I will tell you about the benchmark of sorting algorithms, written on PHP. There are 14 algorithms presented: quickSort countingSort combSort heapSort mergeSort shellSort selectionSort insertSort gnomeSort combinedBubbleSort cocktailSort bubbleSort oddEvenSort bubbleSortWithFlag Algorithms are not alphabetically ordered, but in order of their performance speed descending when sorting an array of 8 thousand elements. The following arrays dimensions, used for sorting, are presented: 1 100 200 400 600 800 1000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Each measurement was performed with different array filling, which is passed to sorting function. In the first case the array has been filled by random values with a (1, n) interval, in which n — is an array dimension. In the second case the array has been filled by random values with a (1, PHP_INT_MAX) interval, in which PHP_INT_MAX — is maximum variable value of INT type in the current system. InLock-Free Data Structures. The Evolution of a Stack
Written by Max Khiszinsky
In the previous articles I described the basis, on which lock-free data structures and basic algorithms of the lifetime management of elements of lock-free data structures are built. Actually, it was a prelude to the description of lock-free containers. But then I faced a problem of how to build the story. Describing the known algorithms would be quite boring, as there would be a lot of [pseudo-]code, plenty of details that are important but quite specific. After all, you can always find them in the references I provide in articles. What I wanted was to tell you an interesting story about exciting things. I wanted to show the development of approaches to designing concurrent containers. Then the method of presentation should be the following: take some container type – a queue, map, hash map – and make a review of the currently known original algorithms for this container type.Multitasking in the Linux Kernel. Interrupts and Tasklets
Written by Vita Loginova
In the previous article I mentioned about multithreading. The article covered such basic notions as types of multitasking, the scheduler, scheduling strategies, the state machine, and other. This time, I want to look at the problem of scheduling from another perspective. Namely, I’m going to tell you about scheduling not threads, but their “younger brothers”. Since the article turned out to be quite long, at the last moment I decided to break it up into several parts: Multitasking in the Linux Kernel. Interrupts and Tasklets Multitasking in the Linux Kernel. Workqueue Protothread and Cooperative Multitasking In the third part, I will also try to compare all of these seemingly different entities and extract some useful ideas. After a little while, I will tell you about the way we managed to apply these ideas in practice in the Embox project, and about how we started our operating system on aCopyright and a Bit of Porn
Written by Art Afian
The basic thesis of the traditional copyright system protection lies in the following postulate: if we allow to steal everything, films will no longer be shot, music will no longer sound and poems will no longer be made. Devoid of the state machinery protection, the flow of intellectual products will run low and leave the mankind lead an aimless life beyond the progress. The pictures depicted in regular plots about intellectual piracy often use the image of a starving poet who can not get an adequate fee for his work and talent. This image is extremely emotionally strong, especially considering the fact that not only right-holder representatives of big labels and corporations (though they definitely do not get a chicken feed) stand this position, but also actual authors and actors. The latter proved their right for own judgement. But I think that this point of view is wrong. By theCrowdfunding an Open Source Science for Our Complex World
Written by Shaun Swanson
In short, the crowdfunding campaign to launch the new physics discipline of Complex Thermostatistics ends this weekend, and we could really use your support to get us over our reach goal! Help us grow a community of researchers and science-lovers who are passionate about understanding complex systems. We will be working on an adaptation of Thermostatistics together for this purpose! Your contributions will provide a year-long runway for a collaborative infrastructure as well as educational materials for this emerging field. What is Thermostatistics? In the late 1800s, a growing belief in the atomic theory of matter solidified the importance of Statistical Mechanics as a means of deriving Thermodynamics . Thermostatistics focuses on this connection between the “microscopic” Statistical Mechanics of atoms, molecules, consumers, and firms and the “macroscopic” Thermodynamics of the behavior of systems at our scale and beyond. Thermodynamics was originally developed during the industrial revolution to better understandAn Interesting Task for an Interview. Currying and Partial Application of a Function
Written by Nick Makarov
I am currently attending some job interviews. Some of them are boring, others are interesting. During one of the interviews they asked me to write a function that could add two numbers. So, I wrote: it ('should add two numbers', function () { var add = function (a,b) { return a + b; }; assert.equal(add(2,3), 5); }); — «But what if that the function signature should be something like add(num1)(num2)?» — «No problem!» I think that they want to check whether I know about returning functions from functions. So, I wrote the following: it ('should be called like add(num1)(num2)', function () { var add = function (a) { return function (b) { return a + b; }; }; assert.equal(add(2)(3), 5); }); — «But what is we know the first addend beforehand and the second one will be known later? Then what?» I think that they’re talking about currying, soLock-free Stack for Windows
Written by Vengo
It is common practice not to like Windows. But, as a rule, phrase: “I haven't read the book but still condemn it” describes this situation well. Despite the tendency of not like Windows, there are still some things that are implemented well. I’d like to tell you about one of them. I’ll...
Ref-qualified member functions
Written by rpz
Today I’m going to tell you about a new and a little known (to my mind) C++ feature — reference-qualified member functions . I’ll tell about the rules of such functions overloading and, as an example of use, I’ll show you that with the help of ref-qualified you can try to improve the resource...
Java 8, Spring, Hibernate, SSP — Let’s Play
Written by fspare
Java 8 has been recently released. So I decided to write something using its new features. Namely the new collection api , which allows to work with collections in a more functional style, and default methods in the interfaces. This article is a brief review of my experience of Java 8,...
Qt 5.2, From a Sketch to Google Play
Written by xanm
Dear colleagues, I’ve been told about Qt 5.2 and its new feature of simple and quick creation of cross-platform applications for Android and iOS. I opened Qt website and watched a great video, in which Hello World application was developed for Android and iOS in 10 minutes. I was impressed. So I decided to take up mobile development. I had a plan of working my way up from a wish to develop an application to its publication in Google Play. At the same time I learnt about the famous Flappy Bird and that its developer had decided to delete his application. So I wanted to develop another copy of thus game. But my main goal, of course, was to try out new Qt facilities. C++ or Javascript? I like C++, but I didn’t dare to write such a small thing on it. C++ makes developer be very thoughtful and attentiveGo Language For Beginners
Written by alehano
The aim of this article is to tell about a programming language Go (Golang) to those developers, who are interested in it, but haven’t risked studying it. The story will be told on the basis of a real sentence that represents RESTful API web-service. I had a task to develop a backend to...