IT digest for the last week

Written by alexzfort

Web Development — GitHub command line tools Best PHP IDE in 2014 How to use NoFollow tag Scrolling animations: examples, tutorials and jQuery plugins Slush — the streaming scaffolding system as a replacement for Yeoman WTF, HTML and CSS? Mobile Angular UI —...

Why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?

Written by alizar

One of the users of StackExchange asked a question, which at first glance may look weird: why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight? Indeed, why the cursor is not vertical? The answer was given by an expert, who is familiar with the history of computer hardware. He...


Web fonts instruction for novice

Written by Kukuruku Hub

Choosing a font? Here is a simple scheme from Julian Hansen. The image is clickable. Just answer «yes» or «no». Fonts are pretty much standard, but I'm sure it can be quite useful for anyone.