As a rule, the adherents of The-very-best-language write their promotional mini-programs something like this:
ageOfBob = 0
ageOfMary = 0
print("Input Bob's age: ")
print("Input Marry's age: ")
// Do the math
if (ageOfBob > ageOfMary)
print("Bob is older than Mary by ", ageOfBob - ageOfMary, " years")
else if (ageOfBob
It’s assumed that a newcomer will like another simplified version of the C-like syntax with automatic type conversion, without unnecessary semicolons, with simple names of standard functions, and so on.
Demo: link Sources: link Working for the first time on the implementation and customization of Google Maps I couldn’t find any article to contain the whole scope of information and details, so I had to glean information on this issue, but mostly to come up with my own ideas. Afterwards I decided to write this article for those who have either no experience of working on styling Google Maps and their customization or lack time (or maybe lack the will) to learn API perfectly, thus making it easier for them to find information on the issue.
At the HighLoad++ conference in 2016, the development manager of “M-Tex” Vadim Madison talked about growth from the system, for which a hundred of microservices seemed a huge number, to a high-load project, in which a few thousands of microservices is a common thing. I will tell you how we launched microservices on quite a high-load project. It’s rather an aggregate experience but since I work for M-Tex, let me tell you a couple of words about who we are. — the main PVS-Studio developers site, turned 10 this year! The domain was registered on Nov. 9, 2006, and the latest major design update was done in December 2010. It’s time for a change! Project participants At the moment, 4 people are involved in the development of Constantine Potapov — web-developer; Sergey Harleev — web-designer; Ilya Teterin — Linux engineer; Evgeniy Ryzhkov — project manager. Other people contribute to the content of the website, but are not related to the infrastructure of the site, its design, or functionality.
I’ve recently decided to surprise my friends with a web page dedicated to their upcoming wedding — quite a beneficial topic in terms of experiments with various decorative elements like ribbons, frames, and lace. At the same time, I’m up to implement the maximum of such decorations in pure CSS for my own pleasure. In this article, I want to share the way I managed to “weave” lace patterns for the future website with the help of radial and linear gradients.
Hey there, I’m currently working at the front-end of a huge project – Yandex search results. As any other web project, we have a huge amount of CSS code and a considerable team interacting with it. When a lot of people write and edit CSS code with the help of various tools, it can become really complex and inconsistent. For instance, someone prefers writing vendor prefixes in one order, the other one prefers writing it in a different way.
Dear %username%, I have recently come across several interesting and useful tools/libraries/events I would like to tell you about. DC.js This library allows creating great multi level/scalable cross-platform charts and diagrams providing instant feedback on user’s interaction. A popular d3.js is in charge of the viewing process. crossfilter.js deals with the analysis of multi-dimensional data sets. chart.renderlet(function(chart){ // smooth the rendering through event throttling{ // focus some other chart to the range selected by user on this chart someOtherChart.
When designing a mobile version of the site, the core question is still what resolution to choose and which are the most popular ones. Answering this question will help you to build the so-called «mobile responsive design». By reference to statistics we will consider five the most popular mobile screen resolutions. And five the most popular tablet resolutions. How to Create Mobile Responsive Design? The media queries are entering the game.
Web Development — GitHub command line tools Best PHP IDE in 2014 How to use NoFollow tag Scrolling animations: examples, tutorials and jQuery plugins Slush — the streaming scaffolding system as a replacement for Yeoman WTF, HTML and CSS? Mobile Angular UI — mobile UI framework based on AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap How to use Data URIs to speed up your website CSS shooter (game programming) Building HTML5 context menus