Asynchronous Programming: Back to the Future
Written by Grigory Demchenko
Asynchronous programming… Hearing these words, programmers’ eyes begin to shine, breathing becomes shallow, hands are shaking and the brain is drawing multiple levels of abstraction… Managers’ eyes become wide, sounds become inarticulate, fists are clenched, and the voice switches to overtones. The only thing that unites these two groups of people is a rapid pulse. However, there are different reasons. While programmers are eager for the fight, managers are trying to look into the crystal ball and realize the risks, frantically trying to come up with reasons to extend the deadlines as mush as they can. Later, when the most part of the code is already written, programmers begin to realize and experience the bitterness of asynchronous programming, spending endless nights in a debugger, desperately trying to understand what is actually happening… That's exactly what my inflamed imagination draws when hearing “asynchronous programming”. Of course, all of it isWhy Using Finalizers Is a Bad Idea
Written by Sofi Fateeva
Not so long ago we worked on a diagnostic rule related to the finalizer check. This provoked an argument on the details of the garbage collector work and the finalization of objects. Although we have been programming in C# for more than 5 years, we haven't achieved any consensus as regards this question, so I decided to study it more thoroughly. Introduction Usually .NET developers encounter a finalizer when they need to free an unmanaged resource. That's when a programmer has to think about a specific question: should we implement in our class IDisposable , or add a finalizer? Then he goes to StackOverflow, for example, and reads answers to questions like the Finalize/Dispose pattern in C# where he sees a classic pattern of IDisposable implementation, and the definition of the finalizer. The same pattern can be found in the MSDN description of the IDisposable interface. Some consider itChatbots, and how will Microsoft help us with this?
Written by Alex Astva
This overview article is devoted to the study of a trend which is growing rapidly in popularity in the IT industry — chatbots, and the role of Microsoft in their development process. The article will cover the history of chatbots, peculiar properties of bots, the main, and also some unexpected...