2048 in Erlang
ErlangThis article is about a WebSocket server on Erlang rather than about the game itself. I’ll tell you a small prehistory. When I began playing 2048 I couldn’t stop. It was to the detriment of both my job and family. So I decided that a bot should play instead of me. But the problem was that it’s a user game, there’s no global rating and it’s not comfortable to play without a browser. That’s why I decided to create the server part so that there would be rating and my bot could play without a browser.
It’s my first project in Erlang. Many programmers are afraid of it. They suppose that it’s difficult to use it. But it’s actually not. I’ll try to highlight some things that are not obvious for Erlang beginners.
I’ve hard coded a lot of things for simplicity. But anyway, I’ll be glad to read your comments on the subject. Here’s a link to erl2048. It’s a link to erl2048development project.
It may seem strange enough that I’ll begin with JS. I didn’t change the original files so that I would be able to update them from the primary repository when needed. I used the following:
- main.css;
- animframe_polyfill.js for requestAnimationFrame;
- html_actuator.js for all animations
- keyboard_input_manager.js for keyboard events (to no purpose, as it turned);
I created main.js file. The logic is simple. The browser sends events to the server and then refreshes the field. It’s good that animframe_polyfill is created in such a way that it accepts the formed grid.
I added the connection initialization:
var websocket = new Websocket(SERVER);
var myGame = new MyGame(websocket);
I also wrote a wrapper for Websocket. It’s too simple to provide its source code here. A new game start:
self.restart = function(evt){
I really didn’t get why X and Y were used in tile in the original version, so the server goes without them. The list of the top 10 players also comes from the server. It’s the innovation of my version. A player can also change his nickname. There’re no signups and guards. It looks like the following:
It’s not good to use the native keyboard_input_manager as now you can enter all symbols in the nickname entry field. You can also enter your nickname from the clipboard. I haven’t implemented the entire functional. I closed the part that is responsible for “game over”. But it doesn’t affect the game process. There’s also no ability to continue the game after winning. But I haven’t won anyway.
This part will be reviewed in more details. First of all, we should setup rebar. Rebar can generate base files but I created them manually. We can use rebar.config to automatically download and build all the dependencies.
% The next option is required so we can use lager.
{erl_opts, [{parse_transform, lager_transform}]}.
% Our dependencies.
{deps, [
{'lager', ".*", {
git, "git://github.com/basho/lager.git", "master"}
{'cowboy', ".*", {
git, "git://github.com/extend/cowboy.git", "master"}
{'mochiweb', ".*", {
git, "git://github.com/mochi/mochiweb.git", "master"}
{'sqlite3', ".*", {
git, "git://github.com/alexeyr/erlang-sqlite3.git", "master"}
# rebar g-d
# rebar co
In order to download and build all the dependencies you may have to install libsqlite3-dev for sqlite driver.
I use the following command to start the server: # rebar compile skip_deps=true; erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin -eval 'starter:start().' -noshell -detached
After that the game will be available at 8080 port. Learning how to start the server was the most difficult task. I created a special “starter” module that starts all dependencies and the application itself
start() ->
Now let’s take a look at the content of src/ directory. The first one is erl2048.app.src file. I don’t really know what it is for, but still added it to my project just in case. It would be great if you could shed some light.
%% @private -module(erl2048_app). -behaviour(application).
%% API. -export([start/2]). -export([stop/1]).
%% API. start(_Type, _Args) -> Dispatch = cowboyrouter:compile([ {’’, [ {“/”, cowboy_static, {file, “../client/index.html”}}, {“/websocket”, ws_handler, []}, {“/static/[…]“, cowboy_static, {dir, “../client/static”}} ]} ]), {ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(http, 100, [{port, 8080}], [{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}]), {ok, _} = db:start_link(), erl2048_sup:start_link().
stop(_State) -> {ok, _} = db:stop(), ok.
-export([init/3]). -export([websocket_init/3]). -export([websocket_handle/3]). -export([websocket_info/3]). -export([websocket_terminate/3]).
init({tcp, http}, _Req, _Opts) -> {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}.
websocket_init(_TransportName, Req, _Opts) -> State = {struct, [ { user, { struct, [{id, null},{name, >}] } } ]}, {ok, Req, State}.
websocket_handle({text, Msg}, Req, State) -> Message = mochijson2:decode(Msg, [{format, proplist}]), Action = binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(>, Message)), {NewState, Response} = case Action of “start” -> TmpState = game:init(State), {TmpState, TmpState}; “move” -> TmpState = game:move(list_to_atom(binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(>, Message))), State), {TmpState, TmpState}; “newName” -> NewName = proplists:get_value(>, Message), JsonData = element(2, State),
User = proplists:get_value(user, JsonData),
{struct,UserJsonData} = User,
Id = proplists:get_value(id, UserJsonData),
db:changeName(Id, NewName),
TmpState = {struct, [
{ user, { struct, [ { name, NewName },{ id, Id } ] } }
| proplists:delete(user, JsonData)
{struct, [{ user, { struct, [ { name, NewName },{ id, Id } ] } }]}
_Else -> State
{reply, {text, mochijson2:encode(Response)}, Req, NewState};
websocket_handle(_Data, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}.
websocket_info({send, Msg}, Req, State) -> {reply, {text, Msg}, Req, State}; websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) -> {ok, Req, State}.
websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> ok.
{struct, [ {key1, Value1}, {key2, Value2}, …. ]}
Now let’s review the game files. The simplest one is **tile.erl**.
-export([init/1, init/0, prepare/2]).
prepare(null, _) ->
prepare(Tile, { X, Y }) ->
{value, proplists:get_value(value, element(2, Tile))},
{mergedFrom, null},
{previousPosition, {struct, [{ x, X - 1},{ y, Y - 1 }]}}
init(Value) ->
{value, Value},
{mergedFrom, null},
{previousPosition, null}
init() ->
It can only create a new tile and save the previous position. grid.erl is a bit more complex.
``` -module(grid).
-export([ build/0, cellsAvailable/1, randomAvailableCell/1, insertTile/3, availableCells/1, cellContent/2, removeTile/2, moveTile/3, size/0, withinBounds/1, cellAvailable/2 ]).
-define(SIZE, 4).
size() -> ?SIZE.
build() -> [[null || _
availableCells(Grid) -> lists:append( setY( availableCells(Grid, 1) ) ).
availableCells([Grid | Tail ], N) when is_list(Grid) -> [{availableCells(Grid, 1), N} | availableCells(Tail, N +1)]; availableCells([Grid | Tail ], N) -> case Grid =:= null of true -> [ N | availableCells(Tail, N +1)]; false -> availableCells(Tail, N +1) end; availableCells([], _) -> [].
setY([{Cell, Y}|Tail]) -> [ setY(Cell, Y) | setY(Tail)]; setY([]) -> []. setY([Head | Tail], Y) -> [ {Head, Y} | setY(Tail, Y)]; setY([], _) -> [].
cellsAvailable(Grid) -> length(availableCells(Grid)) > 0.
randomAvailableCell(Grid) -> Cells = availableCells(Grid), lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Cells)) ,Cells).
insertTile({X, Y}, Tile, Grid) -> Row = lists:nth(Y,Grid), lists:sublist(Grid,Y - 1) ++ [ lists:sublist(Row,X - 1) ++ [Tile] ++ lists:nthtail(X,Row)] ++ lists:nthtail(Y,Grid).
cellContent({ X, Y }, Grid) -> case withinBounds({ X, Y }) of true -> lists:nth(X,lists:nth(Y,Grid)); false -> null end.
removeTile({ X, Y }, Grid) -> insertTile({X, Y}, null, Grid).
moveTile(Cell, Cell, Grid) -> Grid; moveTile(Cell, Next, Grid) -> insertTile(Next, grid:cellContent(Cell, Grid), removeTile(Cell, Grid)).
withinBounds({X, Y}) when (X > 0), (X = 0), (Y = true; withinBounds(_) -> false.
cellAvailable(Cell, Grid) -> case grid:withinBounds(Cell) of true -> cellContent(Cell, Grid) =:= null; false -> false end.
Pay attention to **availableCells**. In Erlang we should use recursion as much as possible. I was too clever by half here. At first I generated a list (containing lists with the one coordinate) and the second coordinate. Then I added the second to the first one. I decided not to do so anymore. I guess, other functions are obvious.
The main game file is **game.erl**.
-export([init/1, move/2]).
init(State) ->
StateUser = proplists:get_value(user, element(2, State)),
StateUserJsonData = element(2, StateUser),
User = case proplists:get_value(id, StateUserJsonData) of
null ->
Name = proplists:get_value(name, StateUserJsonData),
{rowid, Id} = db:createUser(Name),
{ struct, [{name, Name},{id, Id}]};
_Else ->
{grid ,addStartTiles(grid:build())},
{user , User},
{scores, db:select()},
{won, false},
{over, false},
{keepPlaying, false}
addStartTiles(Grid, 0) ->
addStartTiles(Grid, N) ->
NewGrid = addRandomTile(Grid),
addStartTiles(NewGrid, N - 1).
addStartTiles(Grid) ->
addStartTiles(Grid, 2).
addRandomTile(Grid) ->
case grid:cellsAvailable(Grid) of
true ->
case random:uniform(10) Tile = tile:init();
false -> Tile = tile:init(grid:size())
grid:insertTile(grid:randomAvailableCell(Grid), Tile, Grid);
false -> Grid
getVector(left) ->
{ -1, 0 };
getVector(up) ->
{ 0, -1 };
getVector(right) ->
{ 1, 0 };
getVector(down) ->
{ 0, 1 }.
buildTraversals() ->
Traver = lists:seq(1, grid:size()),
{ Traver, Traver }.
buildTraversals({ 1 , _ }) ->
{ T1, T2} = buildTraversals(),
{ lists:reverse(T1), T2 };
buildTraversals({ _ , 1 }) ->
{ T1, T2} = buildTraversals(),
{ T1, lists:reverse(T2) };
buildTraversals({ _ , _ }) ->
prepareTiles( [{_Key, _Value} | _Tail ] ) ->
JsonData = [{_Key, _Value} | _Tail ],
[{ grid, prepareTiles(proplists:get_value(grid, JsonData)) } | proplists:delete(grid, JsonData) ];
prepareTiles( Grid ) ->
prepareTiles( Grid, 1).
prepareTiles([], _) ->
prepareTiles([Row | Tail], Y) ->
[ prepareTileY(Row, 1, Y) | prepareTiles(Tail, Y + 1)].
prepareTileY([], _, _) ->
prepareTileY([Cell | Tail], X, Y) ->
[prepareTileX(Cell, X, Y) | prepareTileY(Tail, X + 1, Y) ].
prepareTileX(Tile, X, Y) ->
tile:prepare(Tile, {X, Y}).
process_travesals_y([], _, _, JsonData) ->
process_travesals_y(_, [], _, JsonData) ->
process_travesals_y([ Y | Tail ], TraversalsX, Vector, JsonData) ->
process_travesals_y( Y, TraversalsX, Vector, JsonData)
process_travesals_y(Y, [ X | Tail ], Vector, JsonData) ->
process_travesals_y(Y, Tail, Vector, process_travesals_y( Y, X, Vector, JsonData ));
process_travesals_y( Y, X, Vector, JsonData ) ->
moveTile({ X, Y }, Vector, JsonData).
findFarthestPosition({X, Y}, {VecX, VecY}, Grid) ->
Next = { X + VecX, Y + VecY },
case grid:cellAvailable(Next, Grid) of
true ->
findFarthestPosition(Next, {VecX, VecY}, Grid);
false ->
{X, Y},
Next % Used to check if a merge is required
moveTile(Cell, Vector, JsonData) ->
Grid = proplists:get_value(grid, JsonData),
Tile = grid:cellContent(Cell, Grid),
case Tile =:= null of
true -> JsonData;
false ->
{ Farthest, Next } = findFarthestPosition(Cell, Vector, Grid),
{struct, CurrJsonData} = Tile,
CurrValue = proplists:get_value(value, CurrJsonData),
NextTile = if
Next =:= null -> null;
true ->
grid:cellContent(Next, Grid)
{NextValue, NextMerged} = if
NextTile =:= null -> {null, null};
true ->
NextJsonData = element(2, NextTile),
{proplists:get_value(value, NextJsonData), proplists:get_value(mergedFrom, NextJsonData)}
if CurrValue =:= NextValue,
NextMerged =:= null
MergedValue = CurrValue * 2,
Merged = {
{value, MergedValue},
{mergedFrom, [Tile,NextTile]},
{previousPosition, null}
NewGrid = grid:insertTile(Next, Merged, grid:removeTile(Cell, Grid)),
% Update the score
Score = proplists:get_value(score, JsonData) + MergedValue,
% The mighty 2048 tile
Won = if
MergedValue =:= 2048 -> true;
true -> false
Removed = proplists:delete(score, proplists:delete(won, proplists:delete(grid, JsonData))),
{score,Score} |
true ->
grid:moveTile(Cell, Farthest, proplists:get_value(grid, JsonData))
| proplists:delete(grid, JsonData)
move(left, State) ->
move(getVector(left), State);
move(right, State) ->
move(getVector(right), State);
move(up, State) ->
move(getVector(up), State);
move(down, State) ->
move(getVector(down), State);
move(Vector, State) ->
{struct, JsonData} = State,
proplists:get_value(over, JsonData) or (
proplists:get_value(won, JsonData) and (not proplists:get_value(keepPlaying, JsonData))
true -> State;
_Else ->
PreparedJsonData = updateBestScore(prepareTiles(JsonData)),
{ TraversalsX, TraversalsY } = buildTraversals(Vector),
NewJsonData = process_travesals_y(
NewGrid = proplists:get_value(grid, NewJsonData),
Grid = proplists:get_value(grid, PreparedJsonData),
NewGrid =/= Grid -> %If changed - add new tile
{struct, UserJsonData} = proplists:get_value(user, NewJsonData),
NewScore = proplists:get_value(score, NewJsonData),
Score = proplists:get_value(score, PreparedJsonData),
case NewScore > Score of true ->
proplists:get_value(score, NewJsonData),
proplists:get_value(id, UserJsonData)
_Else -> undefined
Over = case movesAvailable(NewGrid) of
true -> false;
fale -> true % Game over!
Removed = proplists:delete(grid, proplists:delete(over, NewJsonData)),
{struct,[{ grid, addRandomTile(NewGrid) }, { over, Over } | Removed ]};
true -> %return state otherwise
movesAvailable(_) ->
updateBestScore(JsonData) ->
[{ scores, db:select() } | proplists:delete(scores, JsonData) ].
init function creates a new user if we haven’t created it yet. Or it can take a user from the previous game.
init(State) ->
StateUser = proplists:get_value(user, element(2, State)),
StateUserJsonData = element(2, StateUser),
User = case proplists:get_value(id, StateUserJsonData) of
null ->
Name = proplists:get_value(name, StateUserJsonData),
{rowid, Id} = db:createUser(Name),
{ struct, [{name, Name},{id, Id}]};
_Else ->
{grid ,addStartTiles(grid:build())},
{user , User},
{scores, db:select()},
{won, false},
{over, false},
{keepPlaying, false}
move is the main function. It’s in charge of recalculating the game field. I had some difficulties here; mostly due to the lack of experience in functional programming. Let me know if there is a better way to write this code.
move(left, State) ->
move(getVector(left), State);
move(right, State) ->
move(getVector(right), State);
move(up, State) ->
move(getVector(up), State);
move(down, State) ->
move(getVector(down), State);
move(Vector, State) ->
{struct, JsonData} = State,
proplists:get_value(over, JsonData) or (
proplists:get_value(won, JsonData) and (not proplists:get_value(keepPlaying, JsonData))
true -> State;
_Else ->
PreparedJsonData = updateBestScore(prepareTiles(JsonData)),
{ TraversalsX, TraversalsY } = buildTraversals(Vector),
NewJsonData = process_travesals_y(
NewGrid = proplists:get_value(grid, NewJsonData),
Grid = proplists:get_value(grid, PreparedJsonData),
NewGrid =/= Grid -> %If changed - add new tile
{struct, UserJsonData} = proplists:get_value(user, NewJsonData),
NewScore = proplists:get_value(score, NewJsonData),
Score = proplists:get_value(score, PreparedJsonData),
case NewScore > Score of true ->
proplists:get_value(score, NewJsonData),
proplists:get_value(id, UserJsonData)
_Else -> undefined
Over = case movesAvailable(NewGrid) of
true -> false;
fale -> true % Game over!
Removed = proplists:delete(grid, proplists:delete(over, NewJsonData)),
{struct,[{ grid, addRandomTile(NewGrid) }, { over, Over } | Removed ]};
true -> %return state otherwise
In order to find out whether the move has been made we should compare the old state with the new one. We don’t use an external variable as in JS variant. I’m not sure, whether it’s going to reduce the performance. So that we wouldn’t have to make unnecessary requests to the database, it’s better to control whether the score has changed. It’s a rare occasion in functional approach, when it’s necessary to pass a lot of parameters to the function. I am most confused by the fact that I pass TraversalsY, TraversalsX, Vector to process_travesals_y, though TraversalsY and TraversalsX already depend on Vector. But for now I decided to leave it this way.
In order not to repeat availableCells experience I wrote process_travesals_y function in details. But now it’s separate for X and Y axes. As a result, it calls moveTile for every nonzero element of the game field, which almost completely corresponds to JS original.
moveTile(Cell, Vector, JsonData) ->
Grid = proplists:get_value(grid, JsonData),
Tile = grid:cellContent(Cell, Grid),
case Tile =:= null of
true -> JsonData;
false ->
{ Farthest, Next } = findFarthestPosition(Cell, Vector, Grid),
{struct, CurrJsonData} = Tile,
CurrValue = proplists:get_value(value, CurrJsonData),
NextTile = if
Next =:= null -> null;
true ->
grid:cellContent(Next, Grid)
{NextValue, NextMerged} = if
NextTile =:= null -> {null, null};
true ->
NextJsonData = element(2, NextTile),
{proplists:get_value(value, NextJsonData), proplists:get_value(mergedFrom, NextJsonData)}
if CurrValue =:= NextValue,
NextMerged =:= null
MergedValue = CurrValue * 2,
Merged = {
{value, MergedValue},
{mergedFrom, [Tile,NextTile]},
{previousPosition, null}
NewGrid = grid:insertTile(Next, Merged, grid:removeTile(Cell, Grid)),
% Update the score
Score = proplists:get_value(score, JsonData) + MergedValue,
% The mighty 2048 tile
Won = if
MergedValue =:= 2048 -> true;
true -> false
Removed = proplists:delete(score, proplists:delete(won, proplists:delete(grid, JsonData))),
{score,Score} |
true ->
grid:moveTile(Cell, Farthest, proplists:get_value(grid, JsonData))
| proplists:delete(grid, JsonData)
I guess, that’s about it for WebSocket requests processing by means of Erlang. As this is my first Erlang project, I’d be glad if you could share some feedback regarding the code itself. Please advise what needs to be improved. Happy to answer all your questions.