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Today I’m going to tell you about a new and a little known (to my mind) C++ feature — reference-qualified member functions. I’ll tell about the rules of such functions overloading and, as an example of use, I’ll show you that with the help of ref-qualified you can try to improve the resource management scheme, which is implemented with the help of another C++ idiom — RAII.

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Who This Article is for

There are no complex or difficult concepts in this article, all required is a basic knowledge of the command line, the C language, Makefile and a general understanding about file systems.

In this article I am going to describe the components necessary for development inside the Linux kernel, then we’ll write the simplest loadable kernel module and, finally, write a framework for the future file system. It’s a module that will register quite a useful (for now) file system in the kernel. The ones familiar with development inside Linux kernel may not find anything interesting here.

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Do you remember this movie? What is it doing here? Why the hell is such post on Kukuruku?
I guess, because I think that the main component of IT is human, or rather our brain. I’ll tell you about another possibility of using your brain a bit more effectively. Everything described here has been tried out by me. It’s important to note that I’ll highlight if I haven’t tried something. I didn’t use any drugs or devices. Popular methods have only been used. And yes, it’s devastatingly realistic. Having tried it once, you'll never resist spreading the word.

To avoid unnecessary cries in comments, I’m asking all staunch defenders of any religion or faith, and all the esoteric representatives to down-vote me and stop reading further. You’ll find no philosophy and great universal mysteries in this article. The rest of you are welcome — I’ll try to tell you about my practice of mind blowing with the help of inbuilt functions.

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Java 8 has been recently released. So I decided to write something using its new features.
Namely the new collection api, which allows to work with collections in a more functional style, and default methods in the interfaces.
This article is a brief review of my experience of Java 8, Spring MVC, Hibernate and SSP integration.


I've always admired the Scala language. First of all, because of the binding with external libraries (Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC), which I still have a weakness for.
I tried to use them in Scala projects, but it seemed as if I was arranging workarounds all the time and still couldn’t write in Scala style. As if I was writing in Java, but with Scala syntax and vice versa.
That’s why I decided to follow a bit “smooth” path and use a familiar stack.
I decided to use SSP (Scala Server Pages) instead of JSP (Java Server Pages), in order to get static support on the View side and to not worry about breaking at refactoring, while you learn about it after deployment only (when some block stops being displayed or even worse, damages some data in the database)

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What can running and software development have in common? Nothing special at fist glance. A sweaty and slender runner totally differs from a flabby, bent by scoliosis programmer. Stadiums don’t applaud to developers and no one gives them the country flag for the lap of honor round the office after some release. Nevertheless, running and development do have many things in common.

I have read a very difficult book — Surfaces and Essences. Douglas Hofstadter had a blast and I didn’t want to read the book after the first 50 pages. I literally forced myself to read few dozens of pages per week until I read till the third book – then I loved it.

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Dear colleagues,

I’ve been told about Qt 5.2 and its new feature of simple and quick creation of cross-platform applications for Android and iOS. I opened Qt website and watched a great video, in which Hello World application was developed for Android and iOS in 10 minutes. I was impressed.

So I decided to take up mobile development. I had a plan of working my way up from a wish to develop an application to its publication in Google Play.

At the same time I learnt about the famous Flappy Bird and that its developer had decided to delete his application. So I wanted to develop another copy of thus game. But my main goal, of course, was to try out new Qt facilities.

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Hi, we're hosting the JS optimization challenge right now, with cash prizes and all. Link to full rules.

The challenge: make JS strftime function very fast, and beat the performance of GNU libc's strftime.

The slower code that can be used as a base for optimizations is here: github.com/mvasilkov/strftime
You're free to use that source as the base of your solution.

To make things interesting, we're not providing the reference benchmark. The benchmark will run on V8 (Node.js) engine.

Send your solutions to [email protected] (as attachments, GitHub gists or whatever). Last date for submission is June 22, 2014. Winners will be announced on June 29.
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The aim of this article is to tell about a programming language Go (Golang) to those developers, who are interested in it, but haven’t risked studying it. The story will be told on the basis of a real sentence that represents RESTful API web-service.

I had a task to develop a backend to the mobile phone. The service is quite simple. It’s a mobile application, which shows posts of the users that are near the current location. Users can leave their comments to the posts and they can be commented as well. It’s like an original geo-forum.

I wanted to use the Golang in some serious projects. The choice was obvious. This language is extremely suitable for such tasks.

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When constructing “enterprise” systems it often turns out that ValueObjects (or case classes) are created. They store information about some instance of entity that is processed by the system. For example:

case class Person(name: String, address: Address)

This way of data representation in the system has two major strengths:

  • Strictly typed access to the data;
  • Capability of meta information binding to features with the help of annotations.

And drawbacks:

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This article may be considered as a continuation of Introduction to Writing Tests with ScalaTest. In this post I would like to talk about ScalaMock.

Mocking is a technique by which you can test code without requiring all of its dependencies in place. Java offers several frameworks for mocking objects when writing tests. The most well known are JMock, EasyMock, and Mockito. As the Scala language introduces new elements such as traits and functions, the Java-based mocking frameworks are not enough, and this is where ScalaMock comes into play.

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