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Dear %username%,

I would like to share with you my first-hand experience in creating a Website on CppCMS (library-template engine on C++). It can also be named as “help for beginners on CppCMS”.

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You must be kidding me! It’s like programming using regular expressions…
You’ll never make me do that again!
I’m looking at the code and feel like an idiot. Isn’t it really an esoteric language like brain fuck? Does anyone really use it? And such programs can be read afterwards?

quicksort=: (($:@(<#[), (=#[), $:@(>#[)) ({~ ?@#)) ^: (1<#)

Perl is a trifle against it.

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There were no signs of trouble until we noticed a mix of 200 and 500 HTTP statuses in Kukuruku's web server logs. We were a bit confused when we started to look into it. The weird thing was that the server responded with either 200 (OK) or 500 (Internal Server Error) statuses even to requests were going to the same URL. What would you blame first? In most cases caching is the first places that you might have to take a look into — some results may have been cached and cause issues for a set of users. But after looking through error log, it was obvious that the caching layer was operating correctly. The problem was somewhere in code, but the error message from logs was not that helpful. We started to think about the difference between user A and user B hitting the same URL. The first thought which came to our mind was authorization. But whole Kukuruku team checks the website tons of times through out a day. Someone would definitely notice the issue. In addition, Development Environment did not have any errors. The whole team was able to open the website in both logged in and logged out states.

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Looking through programming articles sometimes I see posts about creating your own HTTP server. I am most interested in C++ so I often read blogs about it. After looking them through you could easily write you own web server “on sockets” using boost.asio or something else. I also examined libevent and libev. Each of them has its advantages. Libevent is of great interest to me for developing a small HTTP server. Considering some innovations in C++11 the code becomes much more space-efficient and allows for the creation of a basic HTTP server in less than 40 lines.

The information of this post will be useful for those not familiar with libevent and those who want to quickly create an HTTP server. There’s nothing innovative in this post, so you can use it as material for working in the right direction.

libevent is better than libev and boost.asio because of its embedded HTTP server and some abstraction for operating with buffers. It also has a large set of helper functions. You can examine HTTP protocol by yourself by writing a simple FSN (finite state machine) or maybe through some other means. When working with libevent – it’s all there already. You can also go to a lower level and write your own parser for HTTP and perform the work with sockets on libevent. I liked the detail level of this library. If you want to do something quickly you’ll find a higher-level interface that is usually less flexible. When there are more serious requirements you can go down gradually, level by level. The library allows doing many things, such as: asynchronous input/output, work with the network, work with timers, rpc, etc. You can also use it to create both server-side and client-side software.

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In this article we’re going to write a simple program on Go (100 lines), which will execute commands via SSH protocol on hundreds of servers, and will do it quite efficiently. It will be implemented with the help of go.crypto/ssh, which is SSH protocol implementation by authors of Go.

More “advanced” version of the program written in this article is available on github: GoSSHa (Go SSH agent).

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In the previous article we looked inside the processor, even if it’s hypothetic. We have clarified that for the proper parallel code execution we should prompt the processor to what limits he is allowed to execute its internal read/write optimizations. These prompts are memory barriers. They allow regulating memory access to some extent (or rather the cache as the processor interacts with the outer world through cache only). The “weight” of such regulation can be different. Every architecture can provide the entire set of barriers “for choice”. Using these or those barriers we can build different memory models. It’s the set of warranties which will be executed for our programs.

In the article we’ll talk about C++11 memory model.

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I had to rebuild a pathfinding algorithm for our game recently. The previous one (Boost Concepts) was bad as any sidestep was dangerous. So I wanted to take a ready algorithm from a good source. That’s exactly when I remembered about boost as there’s functionality for working with graphs. Unfortunately “find a function, call it and everything will work” approach wasn’t meant to be realized. The library is focused on the maximum use flexibility which has badly affected its simplicity. But it’s better than creating it from scratch (then fixing it). I didn’t want to bother with other libraries, while boost has already been used in the project.

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