Erlang for the Little Ones. Modules and Functions

Written by HaruAtari

Dear %username% , Let’s continue to learn Erlang. In the previous post we’ve reviewed the basic data types, lists and tuples. We also learnt how to use pattern matching and lists generator. In this post we’ll move on to the next level and review modules and functions. All...

Masking a Class in Boost Graph. Part 3: Finding the Path

Written by Vadim Androsov

In the previous articles of the series we’ve reviewed the adaptive process of the square game field for concepts of boost graphs. Now we’ll consider the process of finding the path in the square field. Implementation of boost search allows adapting the algorithm quite accurately. In this article...


Erlang for Beginners. Data Types, Variables, Lists and Tuples

Written by HaruAtari

Dear %username% , It’s the first article of the series. For many of you it may seem terribly trite as I’ll review the very basis of the subject. But this tutorial is going to be really useful for Erlang beginners. I’ll also dwell on some interesting things that aren’t obvious. In...

Premature Optimization is Evil

Written by Kukuruku Hub

There were no signs of trouble until we noticed a mix of 200 and 500 HTTP statuses in Kukuruku's web server logs. We were a bit confused when we started to look into it. The weird thing was that the server responded with either 200 ( OK ) or 500 ( Internal Server Error ) statuses even to requests...

Boost Concepts

Written by Vadim Androsov

I was always scared to use C++ templates due to the absence of standard mechanisms for setting parameter limits. In other words, when a developer writes the following function: template bool someFunc(T t) { if (t.someCheck()) { t.someAction(0); }...

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Lock-free Stack for Windows

Written by Vengo

It is common practice not to like Windows. But, as a rule, phrase: “I haven't read the book but still condemn it” describes this situation well. Despite the tendency of not like Windows, there are still some things that are implemented well. I’d like to tell you about one of them. I’ll...

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Haskell. Testing a Multithread Application

Written by Ankuzik

I guess it’s no secret for anyone that multithread applications writing is connected with many problems you wouldn’t face when developing single-thread programs. One of the problems lies in an application testing. We can’t control the order in which operations are performed. Therefore, we...

Ref-qualified member functions

Written by rpz

Today I’m going to tell you about a new and a little known (to my mind) C++ feature — reference-qualified member functions . I’ll tell about the rules of such functions overloading and, as an example of use, I’ll show you that with the help of ref-qualified you can try to improve the resource...

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Java 8, Spring, Hibernate, SSP — Let’s Play

Written by fspare

Java 8 has been recently released. So I decided to write something using its new features. Namely the new collection api , which allows to work with collections in a more functional style, and default methods in the interfaces. This article is a brief review of my experience of Java 8,...

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Go Language For Beginners

Written by alehano

The aim of this article is to tell about a programming language Go (Golang) to those developers, who are interested in it, but haven’t risked studying it. The story will be told on the basis of a real sentence that represents RESTful API web-service. I had a task to develop a backend to...


Mocking with ScalaMock

Written by Kukuruku Hub

This article may be considered as a continuation of Introduction to Writing Tests with ScalaTest . In this post I would like to talk about ScalaMock. Mocking is a technique by which you can test code without requiring all of its dependencies in place. Java offers several frameworks for...

Lock-free Data Structures. Memory Model. Part 3.

Written by khizmax

In the previous article we looked inside the processor, even if it’s hypothetic. We have clarified that for the proper parallel code execution we should prompt the processor to what limits he is allowed to execute its internal read/write optimizations. These prompts are memory barriers....


Building a website with C++ (CppCMS). Part 1.

Written by Drus_K

Dear %username% , I would like to share with you my first-hand experience in creating a Website on CppCMS (library-template engine on C++). It can also be named as “help for beginners on CppCMS”. Why Would You Write a Website with C++ There are different pros and cons...

LibreS3: Open Source Amazon S3 Implementation

Written by Kukuruku Hub

The first version of LibreS3 project has been announced . LibreS3 is a robust open source implementation of the Amazon S3 service, supporting a subset of the S3 REST API. It's compatible with Amazon S3 client libraries and built on their basis tools, such as python-boto, s3cmd and...

Lock-free Data Structures. 1 — Introduction

Written by khizmax

I hope that this article will give a good start for a series of notes about lock-free data structures. I would like to share my experience with community, monitoring and thoughts about what lock-free structures are, how to implement them and whether the concepts of Standard Template Library...